Turbo-Turtle (LANL code O4765) is a collection of solid body modeling tools for 2D sketched, 2D axisymmetric, and 3D revolved models. It also contains general purpose meshing and image generation utilities appropriate for any model, not just those created with this package. Implemented for Abaqus and Cubit as backend modeling and meshing software. Orginal implementation targeted Abaqus so most options and descriptions use Abaqus modeling concepts and language.
Turbo-Turtle makes a best effort to maintain common behaviors and features across each third-party software’s modeling concepts. As much as possible, the work for each subcommand is performed in Python 3 to minimize solution approach duplication in third-party tools. The third-party scripting interface is only accessed when creating the final tool specific objects and output. The tools contained in this project can be expanded to drive other meshing utilities in the future, as needed by the user community.
This project derives its name from the origins as a sphere partitioning utility following the turtle shell (or soccer ball) pattern.
User Manual
Developer Manual