WAVES (LANL code C23004) is a computational engineering workflow tool that integrates parametric studies with traditional software build systems.
In addition to the parametric study Python package and command line utilities, WAVES also includes SCons builders for common engineering software used by model simulation (modsim) repositories. The tutorial simulations in this project use SCons as the automated build system and translate software build system concepts in the language of engineering simulation and analysis. The SCons documentation should be consulted as a reference for additional build system concepts, command line options, and project configuration.
This project includes a template MODSIM-TEMPLATE which is used for the tutorials and for integration and regression
testing of the WAVES extensions to SCons. The template modsim project can be duplicated from the command line as
waves fetch modsim_template
after installation.
Computional science and engineering practices primer with a recommended practical curriculum
Four paragraph motivation for build systems and WAVES in computational science and engineering
Installation with conda-forge
Explore a minimal working example
Introduction to the full tutorial suite
Start from a modsim template project
Public application program interface (API)
Public command line interface (CLI)