"""Python 3 module that imports cubit
Which requires that Cubit's bin directory is found on PYTHONPATH, either directly by the end user or from a successful
:meth:`turbo_turtle._utilities.find_cubit_bin` call and internal ``sys.path`` modification. This module does *not*
perform ``sys.path`` manipulation, so the importing/calling module/script *must* verify that Cubit will import correctly
import shutil
import typing
import pathlib
import tempfile
import numpy
from turbo_turtle import _utilities
from turbo_turtle._abaqus_python.turbo_turtle_abaqus import _mixed_utilities
from turbo_turtle._abaqus_python.turbo_turtle_abaqus import vertices
from turbo_turtle._abaqus_python.turbo_turtle_abaqus import parsers
cubit = _utilities.import_cubit()
def cubit_command_or_exception(command):
"""Thin wrapper around ``cubit.cmd`` to raise an exception when returning False
Cubit returns True/False on ``cubit.cmd("")`` calls, but does not raise an exception. This method will raise a
RuntimeError when the command returns False.
:param str command: Cubit APREPRO command to execute
success = cubit.cmd(command)
if not success:
raise RuntimeError(f"Command '{command}' returned an error. Please see the Cubit log for details.")
return success
def geometry(
"""Create 2D planar, 2D axisymmetric, or 3D revolved geometry from an array of XY coordinates.
Note that 2D axisymmetric sketches and sketches for 3D bodies of revolution about the global Y-axis must lie
entirely on the positive-X side of the global Y-axis.
This function can create multiple sheet bodies or volumes in the same Cubit ``*.cub`` file. If no part (body/volume)
names are provided, the body/volume will be named after the input file base name.
:param str input_file: input text file(s) with coordinates to draw
:param str output_file: Cubit ``*.cub`` database to save the part(s)
:param bool planar: switch to indicate that 2D model dimensionality is planar, not axisymmetric
:param list part_name: name(s) of the part(s) being created
:param float unit_conversion: multiplication factor applies to all coordinates
:param float euclidean_distance: if the distance between two coordinates is greater than this, draw a straight line.
Distance should be provided in units *after* the unit conversion
:param str delimiter: character to use as a delimiter when reading the input file
:param int header_lines: number of lines in the header to skip when reading the input file
:param float revolution_angle: angle of solid revolution for ``3D`` geometries. Ignore when planar is True.
:param float y_offset: vertical offset along the global Y-axis. Offset should be provided in units *after* the unit
:param float rtol: relative tolerance for vertical/horizontal line checks
:param float atol: absolute tolerance for vertical/horizontal line checks
:returns: writes ``{output_file}.cub``
# TODO: Figure out how to log the Cubit operations without printing to console
# TODO: Figure out how to get a better log of the non-APREPRO actions
part_name = _mixed_utilities.validate_part_name(input_file, part_name)
part_name = _mixed_utilities.cubit_part_names(part_name)
output_file = pathlib.Path(output_file).with_suffix(".cub")
surfaces = []
for file_name, new_part in zip(input_file, part_name):
coordinates = _mixed_utilities.return_genfromtxt(
file_name, delimiter, header_lines, expected_dimensions=2, expected_columns=2
coordinates = vertices.scale_and_offset_coordinates(coordinates, unit_conversion, y_offset)
lines, splines = vertices.lines_and_splines(coordinates, euclidean_distance, rtol=rtol, atol=atol)
surfaces.append(_draw_surface(lines, splines))
for surface, new_part in zip(surfaces, part_name):
_rename_and_sweep(surface, new_part, planar=planar, revolution_angle=revolution_angle)
cubit_command_or_exception(f"save as '{output_file}' overwrite")
def _draw_surface(lines, splines):
"""Given ordered lists of line/spline coordinates, create a Cubit surface object
:param list lines: list of [2, 2] shaped arrays of (x, y) coordinates defining a line segment
:param list splines: list of [N, 2] shaped arrays of (x, y) coordinates defining a spline
:returns: Cubit surface defined by the lines and splines input
:rtype: cubit.Surface
curves = []
for first, second in lines:
point1 = tuple(first) + (0.0,)
point2 = tuple(second) + (0.0,)
curves.append(create_curve_from_coordinates(point1, point2))
for spline in splines:
zero_column = numpy.zeros([len(spline), 1])
spline_3d = numpy.append(spline, zero_column, axis=1)
return cubit.create_surface(curves)
def create_curve_from_coordinates(point1, point2):
"""Create a curve from 2 three-dimensional coordinates
:param tuple point1: First set of coordinates (x1, y1, z1)
:param tuple point2: Second set of coordinates (x2, y2, z2)
:returns: Cubit curve object defining a line segment
:rtype: cubit.Curve
vertex1 = cubit.create_vertex(*tuple(point1))
vertex2 = cubit.create_vertex(*tuple(point2))
return cubit.create_curve(vertex1, vertex2)
def create_spline_from_coordinates(coordinates):
"""Create a spline from a list of coordinates
:param numpy.array coordinates: [N, 3] array of coordinates (x, y, z)
:returns: Cubit curve object defining a spline
:rtype: cubit.Curve
coordinates = numpy.array(coordinates)
minimum = 2
if coordinates.shape[0] < minimum:
raise RuntimeError(f"Requires at least {minimum} coordinates to create a spline")
points = []
for point in coordinates:
vertex_ids = [point.id() for point in points]
vertex_ids_text = _utilities.character_delimited_list(vertex_ids)
# TODO: Find a suitable Cubit Python function for creating splines that returns the curve object
cubit_command_or_exception(f"create curve spline vertex {vertex_ids_text} delete")
curve = points[0].curves()[0]
return curve
def create_arc_from_coordinates(center, point1, point2):
"""Create a circular arc cubit.Curve object from center and points on the curve
:param tuple center: tuple of floats (X, Y, Z) location for the center of the circle arc
:param tuple point1: tuple of floats (X, Y, Z) location for the first point on the arc
:param tuple point2: tuple of floats (X, Y, Z) location for the second point on the arc
:returns: cubit curve object
:rtype: curbit.Curve
center_vertex = cubit.create_vertex(*tuple(center))
# Cubit creates arcs with anticlockwise rotation. Order vertices with most negative Y axis coordinate first.
if point1[1] < point2[1]:
vertex1 = cubit.create_vertex(*tuple(point1))
vertex2 = cubit.create_vertex(*tuple(point2))
vertex1 = cubit.create_vertex(*tuple(point2))
vertex2 = cubit.create_vertex(*tuple(point1))
# TODO: Find a suitable Cubit Python function for creating arcs that returns the curve object
command = f"create curve arc center vertex {center_vertex.id()} {vertex1.id()} {vertex2.id()} normal 0 0 1"
curve = vertex1.curves()[0]
cubit_command_or_exception(f"delete vertex {center_vertex.id()}")
return curve
def create_surface_from_coordinates(coordinates):
"""Create a surface from an [N, 3] array of coordinates
Each row of the array represents a coordinate in 3D space. Must have at least 3 rows or a RuntimeError is raised.
Coordinates are connected in pairs to create curves. First and last coordinate connected for final curve. Curves
must defind a closed perimeter to generate a surface.
:param numpy.array coordinates: [N, 3] array of 3D coordinates where N > 2.
:returns: Cubit surface object
:rtype: cubit.surface
coordinates = numpy.array(coordinates)
if coordinates.shape[0] < 3:
raise RuntimeError("Requires at least 3 coordinates to create a surface")
curves = []
last = numpy.array([coordinates[-1]])
coordinates_shift = numpy.append(last, coordinates[0:-1], axis=0)
for point1, point2 in zip(coordinates, coordinates_shift):
curves.append(create_curve_from_coordinates(point1, point2))
return cubit.create_surface(curves)
def _surface_numbers(surfaces):
"""Return a list of surface IDs from the provided list of surface objects
:param list surfaces: list of Cubit surface objects
:returns: list of surface IDs
:rtype: list of int
return [surface.surfaces()[0].id() for surface in surfaces]
def _surface_centroids(surfaces):
"""Return a list of 3D surface centroids from the provided list of surface objects
:param list surfaces: list of Cubit surface objects
:returns: list of surface centroids
:rtype: list of numpy.arrays
surface_ids = _surface_numbers(surfaces)
surface_centroids = [numpy.array(cubit.get_surface_centroid(id)) for id in surface_ids]
return surface_centroids
def _surfaces_for_volumes(volumes):
"""Return a flat list of surface objects for a list of volumes
:param list volumes: list of Cubit volume objects
:returns: list of Cubit surface objects
:rtype: list
surfaces = []
for volume in volumes:
return surfaces
def _surfaces_by_vector(surfaces, principal_vector, center=numpy.zeros(3)):
"""Return a flat list of Cubit surface objects that meet the requirement of a
positive dot product between a given vector and the vector between two points:
a user provided center point and a surface object centroid.
:param list surfaces: list of Cubit surface objects
:param numpy.array principal_vector: Local principal axis vector defined in global coordinates
:param numpy.array center: center location of the geometry
:returns: numpy.array of Cubit surface objects
:rtype: numpy.array
surface_centroids = _surface_centroids(surfaces)
direction_vectors = [numpy.subtract(centroid, center) for centroid in surface_centroids]
vector_dot = numpy.array(
([numpy.dot(direction_vector, principal_vector) for direction_vector in direction_vectors])
# Account for numerical errors in significant digits
vector_dot[numpy.isclose(vector_dot, 0.0)] = 0.0
return numpy.array(surfaces)[numpy.where(vector_dot > 0.0)]
def _create_volume_from_surfaces(surfaces, keep=True):
"""Create a volume from the provided surfaces. Surfaces must create a closed volume.
:param list surfaces: List of Cubit surface objects
:param bool keep: Keep the original surface objects/sheet bodies
:returns: Cubit volume object
:rtype: cubit.Volume
volumes_before = cubit.get_entities("volume")
surface_numbers = _surface_numbers(surfaces)
surface_string = _utilities.character_delimited_list(surface_numbers)
command = f"create volume surface {surface_string} heal"
if keep:
command = f"{command} keep"
# TODO: Recover volume object directly when creation is possible with Cubit Python API
volumes_after = cubit.get_entities("volume")
volume_id = list(set(volumes_after) - set(volumes_before))
volume_id = volume_id[0]
return cubit.volume(volume_id)
def _rename_and_sweep(
center=numpy.array([0.0, 0.0, 0.0]),
"""Recover body or volume from body surface, sweep part if required, and rename body/volume by part name
Hyphens are replaced by underscores to make the ACIS engine happy.
:param cubit.Surface surface: Cubit surface object to rename and conditionally sweep
:param str part_name: name of the part being created
:param bool planar: switch to indicate that 2D model dimensionality is planar, not axisymmetric
:param float revolution_angle: angle of solid revolution for ``3D`` geometries. Ignore when planar is True.
:returns: Cubit volume object
:rtype: cubit.Volume
center = numpy.array(center)
center_string = _utilities.character_delimited_list(center)
revolution_axis = numpy.array([0.0, 1.0, 0.0])
revolution_string = _utilities.character_delimited_list(revolution_axis)
body_number = surface.id()
surface_number = _surface_numbers([surface])[0]
part_name = part_name.replace("-", "_")
if planar:
return_object = surface.volumes()[0]
elif numpy.isclose(revolution_angle, 0.0):
return_object = surface.volumes()[0]
f"sweep surface {surface_number} axis {center_string} {revolution_string} "
f"angle {revolution_angle} merge"
return_object = surface.volumes()[0]
volume_id = return_object.id()
cubit_command_or_exception(f"regularize volume {volume_id}")
return return_object
def _get_volumes_from_name(names):
"""Return all volume objects with a prefix from the ``names`` list
:param list names: Name(s) prefix to search for with ``cubit.get_all_ids_from_name``
:returns: list of Cubit volumes with name prefix
:rtype: list of cubit.Volume objects
if isinstance(names, str):
names = [names]
parts = []
for name in names:
parts.extend([cubit.volume(number) for number in cubit.get_all_ids_from_name("volume", name)])
if len(parts) < 1:
raise RuntimeError(f"Could not find any volumes with prefix '{name}'")
return parts
def cylinder(
"""Accept dimensions of a right circular cylinder and generate an axisymmetric revolved geometry
Centroid of cylinder is located on the global coordinate origin by default.
:param float inner_radius: Radius of the hollow center
:param float outer_radius: Outer radius of the cylinder
:param float height: Height of the cylinder
:param str output_file: Cubit ``*.cub`` database to save the part(s)
:param list part_name: name(s) of the part(s) being created
:param float revolution_angle: angle of solid revolution for ``3D`` geometries
:param float y_offset: vertical offset along the global Y-axis
part_name = _mixed_utilities.cubit_part_names(part_name)
output_file = pathlib.Path(output_file).with_suffix(".cub")
lines = vertices.cylinder_lines(inner_radius, outer_radius, height, y_offset=y_offset)
surface = _draw_surface(lines, [])
_rename_and_sweep(surface, part_name, revolution_angle=revolution_angle)
cubit_command_or_exception(f"save as '{output_file}' overwrite")
def sphere(
:param float inner_radius: inner radius (size of hollow)
:param float outer_radius: outer radius (size of sphere)
:param str output_file: output file name. Will be stripped of the extension and ``.cub`` will be used.
:param str input_file: input file name. Will be stripped of the extension and ``.cub`` will be used.
:param str quadrant: quadrant of XY plane for the sketch: upper (I), lower (IV), both
:param float revolution_angle: angle of rotation 0.-360.0 degrees. Provide 0 for a 2D axisymmetric model.
:param float y_offset: vertical offset along the global Y-axis
:param str part_name: name of the part to be created in the Abaqus model
# Preserve the (X, Y) center implementation, but use the simpler y-offset interface
center = (0.0, y_offset)
part_name = _mixed_utilities.cubit_part_names(part_name)
output_file = pathlib.Path(output_file).with_suffix(".cub")
if input_file is not None:
input_file = pathlib.Path(input_file).with_suffix(".cub")
# Avoid modifying the contents or timestamp on the input file.
# Required to get conditional re-builds with a build system such as GNU Make, CMake, or SCons
with _utilities.NamedTemporaryFileCopy(input_file, suffix=".cub", dir=".") as copy_file:
# TODO: look for a Cubit Python interface proper open/close/save command(s)
cubit_command_or_exception(f"open '{copy_file.name}'")
cubit_command_or_exception(f"save as '{output_file}' overwrite")
cubit_command_or_exception(f"save as '{output_file}' overwrite")
def _sphere(
:param float inner_radius: inner radius (size of hollow)
:param float outer_radius: outer radius (size of sphere)
:param str quadrant: quadrant of XY plane for the sketch: upper (I), lower (IV), both
:param float revolution_angle: angle of rotation 0.-360.0 degrees. Provide 0 for a 2D axisymmetric model.
:param tuple center: tuple of floats (X, Y) location for the center of the sphere
:param str part_name: name of the part to be created in the Abaqus model
# TODO: consolidate pure Python 3 logic in a common module for both Gmsh and Cubit
# https://re-git.lanl.gov/aea/python-projects/turbo-turtle/-/boards
arc_points = vertices.sphere(center, inner_radius, outer_radius, quadrant)
inner_point1 = arc_points[0]
inner_point2 = arc_points[1]
outer_point1 = arc_points[2]
outer_point2 = arc_points[3]
center_3d = numpy.append(center, [0.0])
curves = []
if numpy.allclose(inner_point1, center) and numpy.allclose(inner_point2, center):
inner_point1 = center
inner_point2 = center
curves.append(create_arc_from_coordinates(center_3d, inner_point1, inner_point2))
curves.append(create_arc_from_coordinates(center_3d, outer_point1, outer_point2))
curves.append(create_curve_from_coordinates(inner_point1, outer_point1))
curves.append(create_curve_from_coordinates(inner_point2, outer_point2))
surface = cubit.create_surface(curves)
_rename_and_sweep(surface, part_name, revolution_angle=revolution_angle, center=center_3d)
def imprint_and_merge(names):
"""Imprint and merge all volume objects with a prefix from the ``names`` list
:param list names: Name(s) prefix to search for with ``cubit.get_all_ids_from_name``
parts = _get_volumes_from_name(names)
part_ids = [part.id() for part in parts]
part_string = _utilities.character_delimited_list(part_ids)
cubit_command_or_exception(f"imprint volume {part_string}")
cubit_command_or_exception(f"merge volume {part_string}")
def webcut_local_coordinate_primary_planes(center, xvector, zvector, names):
"""Webcut all volumes with a prefix in the ``names`` list on the local coordinate system primary planes
:param list center: center location of the geometry
:param list xvector: Local x-axis vector defined in global coordinates
:param list zvector: Local z-axis vector defined in global coordinates
:param list names: Volume name prefix(es) to search for with ``cubit.get_all_ids_from_name``
:returns: list of Cubit volumes with name prefix(es)
:rtype: list of cubit.Volume objects
center = numpy.array(center)
xvector = numpy.array(xvector)
zvector = numpy.array(zvector)
yvector = numpy.cross(zvector, xvector)
# Create local coordinate system primary planes
surface_coordinates = [
numpy.array([center, center + xvector, center + yvector]),
numpy.array([center, center + yvector, center + zvector]),
numpy.array([center, center + zvector, center + xvector]),
primary_surfaces = [create_surface_from_coordinates(coordinates) for coordinates in surface_coordinates]
primary_surface_numbers = _surface_numbers(primary_surfaces)
primary_surface_string = _utilities.character_delimited_list(primary_surface_numbers)
# Webcut with local coordinate system primary planes
for number in primary_surface_numbers:
parts = _get_volumes_from_name(names)
part_ids = [part.id() for part in parts]
part_string = _utilities.character_delimited_list(part_ids)
cubit_command_or_exception(f"webcut volume {part_string} with plane from surface {number}")
# Clean up primary surfaces
cubit_command_or_exception(f"delete surface {primary_surface_string}")
return _get_volumes_from_name(names)
def create_pyramid_volumes(center, xvector, zvector, size):
"""Return the six (6) four-sided pyramid volumes defined by a cube's center point and six outer faces
:param list center: center location of the geometry
:param list xvector: Local x-axis vector defined in global coordinates
:param list zvector: Local z-axis vector defined in global coordinates
:param float size: Half-length of the cube diagonals (length of the pyramid tip to corner)
:returns: list of Cubit volumes
:rtype: list of cubit.Volume objects
center = numpy.array(center)
xvector = numpy.array(xvector)
zvector = numpy.array(zvector)
yvector = numpy.cross(zvector, xvector)
# Create 6 4-sided pyramidal bodies defining the partitioning intersections
surface_coordinates = vertices.pyramid_surfaces(center, xvector, zvector, size)
pyramid_surfaces = [create_surface_from_coordinates(coordinates) for coordinates in surface_coordinates]
# Identify surfaces for individual pyramid volumes based on location relative to local coordinate system
pyramid_volume_surfaces = [
_surfaces_by_vector(pyramid_surfaces, yvector, center), # +Y # fmt: skip # noqa: E241
_surfaces_by_vector(pyramid_surfaces, -yvector, center), # -Y # fmt: skip # noqa: E241
_surfaces_by_vector(pyramid_surfaces, xvector, center), # +X # fmt: skip # noqa: E241
_surfaces_by_vector(pyramid_surfaces, -xvector, center), # -X # fmt: skip # noqa: E241
_surfaces_by_vector(pyramid_surfaces, zvector, center), # +Z # fmt: skip # noqa: E241
_surfaces_by_vector(pyramid_surfaces, -zvector, center), # -Z # fmt: skip # noqa: E241
pyramid_volumes = [_create_volume_from_surfaces(surface_list) for surface_list in pyramid_volume_surfaces]
# Remove pyramidal construction surfaces
surface_numbers = _surface_numbers(pyramid_surfaces)
surface_string = _utilities.character_delimited_list(surface_numbers)
cubit_command_or_exception(f"delete surface {surface_string}")
# TODO: ^^ Move pyramid volume creation to a dedicated function ^^
return pyramid_volumes
def create_pyramid_partitions(center, xvector, zvector, size, names):
"""Partition all volumes with a prefix in the ``names`` list with the size pyramids defined by a cube
:param list center: center location of the geometry
:param list xvector: Local x-axis vector defined in global coordinates
:param list zvector: Local z-axis vector defined in global coordinates
:param float size: Half-length of the cube diagonals (length of the pyramid tip to corner)
:param list names: Volume name prefix(es) to search for with ``cubit.get_all_ids_from_name``
:returns: list of Cubit volumes
:rtype: list of cubit.Volume objects
# Create pyramid partitioning (intersecting) volumes
pyramid_volumes = create_pyramid_volumes(center, xvector, zvector, size)
pyramid_volume_numbers = [pyramid.id() for pyramid in pyramid_volumes]
pyramid_volume_string = _utilities.character_delimited_list(pyramid_volume_numbers)
# Create pyramidal intersections/partitions
parts = _get_volumes_from_name(names)
for volume in pyramid_volumes:
volume_id = volume.id()
for part in parts:
cubit_command_or_exception(f"intersect volume {volume_id} with volume {part.id()} keep")
for part in parts:
cubit_command_or_exception(f"delete volume {part.id()}")
# Clean up pyramid volumes
cubit_command_or_exception(f"delete volume {pyramid_volume_string}")
return _get_volumes_from_name(names)
def partition(
"""Partition Cubit files with pyramidal body intersections defined by a cube's center and vertices and with local
coordinate planes.
:param str input_file: Cubit ``*.cub`` file to open that already contains parts/volumes to be meshed
:param str output_file: Cubit ``*.cub`` file to write
:param list center: center location of the geometry
:param list xvector: Local x-axis vector defined in global coordinates
:param list zvector: Local z-axis vector defined in global coordinates
:param list part_name: part/volume name prefixes
:param float big_number: Number larger than the outer radius of the part to partition.
part_name = _mixed_utilities.cubit_part_names(part_name)
if output_file is None:
output_file = input_file
input_file = pathlib.Path(input_file).with_suffix(".cub")
output_file = pathlib.Path(output_file).with_suffix(".cub")
with _utilities.NamedTemporaryFileCopy(input_file, suffix=".cub", dir=".") as copy_file:
cubit_command_or_exception(f"open '{copy_file.name}'")
_partition(center, xvector, zvector, part_name, big_number)
cubit_command_or_exception(f"save as '{output_file}' overwrite")
def _partition(
"""Partition Cubit files with pyramidal body intersections defined by a cube's center and vertices and with local
coordinate planes.
:param list center: center location of the geometry
:param list xvector: Local x-axis vector defined in global coordinates
:param list zvector: Local z-axis vector defined in global coordinates
:param list part_name: part/volume name prefixes
:param float big_number: Number larger than the outer radius of the part to partition.
center = numpy.array(center)
xvector = numpy.array(xvector)
zvector = numpy.array(zvector)
yvector = numpy.cross(zvector, xvector)
# Create pyramidal intersections/partitions
create_pyramid_partitions(center, xvector, zvector, big_number, part_name)
# Webcut with local coordinate system primary planes
webcut_local_coordinate_primary_planes(center, xvector, zvector, part_name)
# Imprint and merge
for current_part_name in part_name:
def _set_from_mask(feature: str, name_mask: typing.Tuple[str, str]) -> None:
"""Create named features, with associated node and sidesets, by feature ID
:param feature: Cubit feature name
:param name_mask: Feature set tuples (name, ID string)
feature = feature.lower()
for name, mask in name_mask:
cubit_command_or_exception(f'{feature} {mask} name "{name}"')
nodeset_id = cubit.get_next_nodeset_id()
cubit_command_or_exception(f"nodeset {nodeset_id} ADD {feature} {mask}")
cubit_command_or_exception(f'nodeset {nodeset_id} name "{name}"')
if feature not in ("vertex", "node"):
sideset_id = cubit.get_next_sideset_id()
cubit_command_or_exception(f"sideset {sideset_id} ADD {feature} {mask}")
cubit_command_or_exception(f'sideset {sideset_id} name "{name}"')
def _feature_seeds(feature: str, name_number: typing.Tuple[str, str]) -> None:
"""Create mesh seeds on features by name
If the number is an integer, seed by interval. If the number is a float, seed by size
:param feature: Cubit feature name
:param name_number: Feature seed tuples (name, number)
names, numbers = zip(*name_number)
numbers = [float(number) for number in numbers]
positive_numbers = [number > 0.0 for number in numbers]
if not all(positive_numbers):
raise ValueError("Feature seeds must be positive numbers")
for name, number in zip(names, numbers):
feature_ids = _utilities.character_delimited_list(cubit.get_all_ids_from_name(feature, name))
if number.is_integer():
cubit_command_or_exception(f"{feature} {feature_ids} interval {int(number)}")
cubit_command_or_exception(f"{feature} {feature_ids} size {number}")
def _sets(
face_sets: typing.Optional[typing.List] = parsers.sets_defaults["face_sets"],
edge_sets: typing.Optional[typing.List] = parsers.sets_defaults["edge_sets"],
vertex_sets: typing.Optional[typing.List] = parsers.sets_defaults["vertex_sets"],
) -> None:
"""Create named features, with associated node and sidesets, by feature ID
:param face_sets: Face set tuples (name, mask)
:param edge_sets: Edge set tuples (name, mask)
:param vertex_sets: Vertex set tuples (name, mask)
if face_sets is not None:
_set_from_mask("surface", face_sets)
if edge_sets is not None:
_set_from_mask("curve", edge_sets)
if vertex_sets is not None:
_set_from_mask("vertex", vertex_sets)
def sets(
input_file: str,
output_file: typing.Optional[str] = parsers.sets_defaults["output_file"],
part_name: typing.Optional[str] = parsers.sets_defaults["part_name"],
face_sets: typing.Optional[typing.List] = parsers.sets_defaults["face_sets"],
edge_sets: typing.Optional[typing.List] = parsers.sets_defaults["edge_sets"],
vertex_sets: typing.Optional[typing.List] = parsers.sets_defaults["vertex_sets"],
) -> None:
"""Create Cubit sidesets and nodesets from feature numbers
:param input_file: Cubit ``*.cub`` file to open that already contains parts/volumes to be meshed
:param output_file: Cubit ``*.cub`` file to write
:param part_name: part/volume name prefix
:param face_sets: Face set tuples (name, mask)
:param edge_sets: Edge set tuples (name, mask)
:param vertex_sets: Vertex set tuples (name, mask)
part_name = _mixed_utilities.cubit_part_names(part_name)
if not any([face_sets, edge_sets, vertex_sets]):
raise RuntimeError("Must specify at least one of: face_sets, edge_sets, vertex_sets")
if output_file is None:
output_file = input_file
input_file = pathlib.Path(input_file).with_suffix(".cub")
output_file = pathlib.Path(output_file).with_suffix(".cub")
with _utilities.NamedTemporaryFileCopy(input_file, suffix=".cub", dir=".") as copy_file:
cubit_command_or_exception(f"open '{copy_file.name}'")
_sets(face_sets, edge_sets, vertex_sets)
cubit_command_or_exception(f"save as '{output_file}' overwrite")
def mesh(
input_file: str,
element_type: str,
output_file: typing.Optional[str] = parsers.mesh_defaults["output_file"],
part_name: typing.Optional[str] = parsers.mesh_defaults["part_name"],
global_seed: typing.Optional[float] = parsers.mesh_defaults["global_seed"],
edge_seeds: typing.Optional[typing.List] = parsers.mesh_defaults["edge_seeds"],
) -> None:
"""Mesh Cubit volumes and sheet bodies by part/volume name
:param input_file: Cubit ``*.cub`` file to open that already contains parts/volumes to be meshed
:param element_type: Cubit scheme "trimesh" or "tetmesh". Else ignored.
:param output_file: Cubit ``*.cub`` file to write
:param part_name: part/volume name prefix
:param global_seed: The global mesh seed size
:param edge_seeds: Edge seed tuples (name, number)
part_name = _mixed_utilities.cubit_part_names(part_name)
if output_file is None:
output_file = input_file
input_file = pathlib.Path(input_file).with_suffix(".cub")
output_file = pathlib.Path(output_file).with_suffix(".cub")
with _utilities.NamedTemporaryFileCopy(input_file, suffix=".cub", dir=".") as copy_file:
cubit_command_or_exception(f"open '{copy_file.name}'")
_mesh(element_type, part_name, global_seed, edge_seeds)
cubit_command_or_exception(f"save as '{output_file}' overwrite")
def _mesh_sheet_body(volume, global_seed, element_type=None):
"""Mesh a volume that is a sheet body
Assumes ``cubit.is_sheet_body(volume.id())`` is ``True``.
:param cubit.Volume volume: Cubit volume to mesh as a sheet body
:param float global_seed: Seed size, e.g. ``cubit.cmd(surface {} size {global_seed}``
:param str element_type: Cubit meshing scheme. Accepts 'trimesh' or is ignored.
# TODO: Process multiple sheet bodies with a single Cubit command set
# https://re-git.lanl.gov/aea/python-projects/turbo-turtle/-/issues/80
surface_objects = volume.surfaces()
surfaces = [surface.id() for surface in surface_objects]
surface_string = _utilities.character_delimited_list(surfaces)
if element_type == "trimesh":
cubit_command_or_exception(f"surface {surface_string} scheme {element_type}")
cubit_command_or_exception(f"surface {surface_string} size {global_seed}")
for surface in surface_objects:
def _mesh_volume(volume, global_seed, element_type=None):
"""Mesh a volume
:param cubit.Volume volume: Cubit volume to mesh
:param float global_seed: Seed size, e.g. ``cubit.cmd(volume {} size {global_seed}``
:param str element_type: Cubit meshing scheme. Accepts 'tetmesh' or is ignored.
# TODO: Process multiple volumes with a single Cubit command set
# https://re-git.lanl.gov/aea/python-projects/turbo-turtle/-/issues/80
volume_id = volume.id()
if element_type == "tetmesh":
cubit_command_or_exception(f"volume {volume_id} scheme {element_type}")
cubit_command_or_exception(f"volume {volume_id} size {global_seed}")
def _mesh_multiple_volumes(volumes, global_seed, element_type=None):
"""Mesh ``cubit.Volume`` objects as volumes or sheet bodies
:param list volumes: list of Cubit volume objects to mesh
# TODO: Process all sheet bodies and all volumes with a single Cubit command set
# https://re-git.lanl.gov/aea/python-projects/turbo-turtle/-/issues/80
for volume in volumes:
volume_id = volume.id()
if cubit.is_sheet_body(volume_id):
_mesh_sheet_body(volume, global_seed, element_type=element_type)
_mesh_volume(volume, global_seed, element_type=element_type)
def _mesh(element_type, part_name, global_seed, edge_seeds):
"""Mesh Cubit volumes and sheet bodies by part/volume name
:param str element_type: Cubit scheme "trimesh" or "tetmesh". Else ignored.
:param str part_name: part/volume name prefix
:param float global_seed: The global mesh seed size
:param edge_seeds: Edge seed tuples (name, number)
parts = _get_volumes_from_name(part_name)
element_type = element_type.lower()
# TODO: Cubit can support more than just edge seeds
# https://re-git.lanl.gov/aea/python-projects/turbo-turtle/-/issues/174
if edge_seeds is not None:
_feature_seeds("curve", edge_seeds)
_mesh_multiple_volumes(parts, global_seed, element_type=element_type)
def merge(input_file, output_file):
"""Merge Cubit ``*.cub`` files with forced unique block IDs and save to output file
:param list input_file: List of Cubit ``*.cub`` file(s) to merge
:param str output_file: Cubit ``*.cub`` file to write
input_file = [pathlib.Path(path).with_suffix(".cub") for path in input_file]
output_file = pathlib.Path(output_file).with_suffix(".cub")
for path in input_file:
cubit_command_or_exception(f"import cubit '{path}' unique_genesis_ids")
cubit_command_or_exception(f"save as '{output_file}' overwrite")
def export(
"""Open a Cubit ``*.cub`` file and export ``part_name`` prefixed volumes as ``part_name``.inp
:param str input_file: Cubit ``*.cub`` file to open that already contains meshed parts/volumes
:param str part_name: list of part/volume name prefix to export
:param list element_type: list of element types, one per part name or one global replacement for every part name
:param str destination: write output orphan mesh files to this output directory
part_name = _mixed_utilities.cubit_part_names(part_name)
element_type = _mixed_utilities.validate_element_type(length_part_name=len(part_name), element_type=element_type)
input_file = pathlib.Path(input_file).with_suffix(".cub")
destination = pathlib.Path(destination)
cubit_command_or_exception(f"open '{input_file}'")
if output_type.lower() == "abaqus":
_export_abaqus_list(part_name, element_type, destination)
elif output_type.lower().startswith("genesis"):
output_file = destination / input_file.with_suffix(".g").name
_export_genesis(output_file, part_name, element_type, output_type)
raise RuntimeError(f"Uknown output type request '{output_type}'")
def _create_new_block(volumes):
"""Create a new block for all volumes in list
Sheet bodies are added to block as surfaces. Volumes are added as volumes.
:param list volumes: list of Cubit volume objects
:returns: new block ID
:rtype: int
new_block_id = cubit.get_next_block_id()
volume_ids = [volume.id() for volume in volumes]
volume_string = _utilities.character_delimited_list(volume_ids)
if any([cubit.is_sheet_body(volume_id) for volume_id in volume_ids]):
surfaces = _surface_numbers(_surfaces_for_volumes(volumes))
surface_string = _utilities.character_delimited_list(surfaces)
cubit_command_or_exception(f"block {new_block_id} add surface {surface_string}")
cubit_command_or_exception(f"block {new_block_id} add volume {volume_string}")
return new_block_id
def _create_volume_name_block(name):
"""Create a new block with all volumes prefixed by name
:param str name: Name for new block and prefix for volume search
:returns: New block ID
:rtype: int
volumes = _get_volumes_from_name(name)
new_block_id = _create_new_block(volumes)
cubit_command_or_exception(f"block {new_block_id} name '{name}'")
return new_block_id
def _set_genesis_output_type(output_type):
"""Set Cubit exodus/genesis output type
:param str output_type: String identifying genesis output type: genesis (large format), genesis-normal, genesis-hdf5
if output_type.lower() == "genesis":
cubit_command_or_exception(f"set large exodus file on")
elif output_type.lower() == "genesis-normal":
cubit_command_or_exception(f"set large exodus file off")
elif output_type.lower() == "genesis-hdf5":
cubit_command_or_exception(f"set exodus netcdf4 on")
raise RuntimeError("Unknown genesis output type '{output_type}'")
def _export_genesis(output_file, part_name, element_type, output_type="genesis"):
"""Export all volumes with part name prefix to the output file
Always creates new blocks named after the part/volume prefix.
:param pathlib.Path output_file: Genesis file to write
:param list part_name: list of part/volume names to create as blocks from all volumes with a matching prefix
:param list element_type: list of element type strings
:param str output_type: String identifying genesis output type: genesis (large format), genesis-normal, genesis-hdf5
block_ids = []
for name, element in zip(part_name, element_type):
if element_type is not None:
cubit_command_or_exception(f"block {block_ids[-1]} element type {element}")
block_string = _utilities.character_delimited_list(block_ids)
cubit_command_or_exception(f"export mesh '{output_file}' block {block_string} overwrite")
def _export_abaqus_list(part_name, element_type, destination):
"""Export one Abaqus orphan mesh per part in the destination directory
:param list part_name: list of part/volume names to create as blocks from all volumes with a matching prefix
:param list element_type: List of element type strings
:param pathlib.Path destination: Parent directory for orphan mesh files
for name, element in zip(part_name, element_type):
output_file = destination / name
output_file = output_file.with_suffix(".inp")
_export_abaqus(output_file, name)
if element is not None:
_mixed_utilities.substitute_element_type(output_file, element)
def _export_abaqus(output_file, part_name):
"""Create a block named after the part, add all volumes/surfaace with name prefix, export an Abaqus orphan mesh file
:param pathlib.Path output_file: Abaqus file to write
:param str part_name: part/volume name to create as blocks from all volumes with a matching prefix
new_block_id = _create_volume_name_block(part_name)
cubit_command_or_exception(f"export abaqus '{output_file}' block {new_block_id} partial overwrite")
def image(
"""Open a Cubit ``*.cub`` file and save an image
Uses the Cubit APREPRO `hardcopy`_ command, which accepts jpg, gif, bmp, pnm, tiff, and eps file extensions. This
command only works in batch mode from Cubit APREPRO journal files, so an ``input_file``.jou is created for
:param str input_file: Cubit ``*.cub`` file to open that already contains parts/volumes to be meshed
:param str output_file: Screenshot file to write
:param float x_angle: Rotation about 'world' X-axis in degrees
:param float y_angle: Rotation about 'world' Y-axis in degrees
:param float z_angle: Rotation about 'world' Z-axis in degrees
:param tuple image_size: Image size in pixels (width, height)
input_file = pathlib.Path(input_file).with_suffix(".cub")
output_file = pathlib.Path(output_file)
output_type = output_file.suffix.strip(".")
journal_path = output_file.with_suffix(".jou")
with open(journal_path, "w") as journal_file:
journal_file.write(f"open '{input_file}'\n")
journal_file.write(f"graphics windowsize {image_size[0]} {image_size[1]}\n")
journal_file.write(f"rotate {x_angle} about world x\n")
journal_file.write(f"rotate {y_angle} about world y\n")
journal_file.write(f"rotate {z_angle} about world z\n")
journal_file.write(f"hardcopy '{output_file}' {output_type}\n")
command = f"{cubit_command} -batch {journal_path}"