Source code for turbo_turtle._main

import sys
import typing
import argparse

from turbo_turtle import __version__
from turbo_turtle import _settings
from turbo_turtle import _docs
from turbo_turtle import _utilities
from turbo_turtle import _fetch
from turbo_turtle import geometry_xyplot
from turbo_turtle._abaqus_python.turbo_turtle_abaqus import parsers

def _print_abaqus_path_parser() -> argparse.ArgumentParser:
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(add_help=False)
    # This parser has no arguments. Current implementation acts like a flag
    return parser

[docs] def _print_abaqus_path_location() -> None: """Print the absolute path to the Turbo Turtle Abaqus Python package directory Exits with a non-zero exit code if the settings variable ``_abaqus_python_parent_abspath`` does not exist. """ if not _settings._abaqus_python_parent_abspath.exists(): sys.exit("Could not find a documented path to the Abaqus Python package directory") else: print(_settings._abaqus_python_parent_abspath)
[docs] def add_abaqus_and_cubit(parsers: typing.List[argparse.ArgumentParser]) -> None: """Add the Abaqus and Cubit command arguments to each parser in the parsers list :param list parsers: List of parsers to run ``add_argument`` for the command options """ for parser in parsers: parser.add_argument( "--abaqus-command", nargs="+", default=_settings._default_abaqus_options, help="Abaqus executable options (default: %(default)s)", ) parser.add_argument( "--cubit-command", nargs="+", default=_settings._default_cubit_options, help="Cubit executable options (default: %(default)s)", ) parser.add_argument( "--backend", choices=_settings._backend_choices, default=_settings._default_backend, help="Back end software (default: %(default)s)", )
[docs] def append_cubit_help(text: str, append: str = "with Abaqus, Cubit, or Gmsh (work-in-progress)") -> str: """Append common short help with optional Cubit text :param str text: original text :param str append: new text :returns: appended text :rtype: str """ return f"{text} {append}"
[docs] def append_cubit_description( text: str, # fmt: off append: str = "Defaults to Abaqus, but can optionally run Cubit (Gmsh implementation is a work-in-progress). " "Cubit and Gmsh backends replace hyphens with underscores in part name(s) for ACIS " "compatibility. Cubit backend ignores model/assembly name arguments.", # fmt: on ) -> str: """Append common long description with optional Cubit text :param str text: original text :param str append: new text :returns: appended text :rtype: str """ return f"{text} {append}"
[docs] def get_parser() -> argparse.ArgumentParser: """Get parser object for command line options :return: parser :rtype: ArgumentParser """ main_description = ( "A collection of solid body modeling tools for 2D sketched, 2D axisymmetric, and 3D revolved models. " "Implemented for Abaqus, Cubit, and Gmsh (work-in-progress) as backend modeling and meshing software. " "Most of the interface options and descriptions use Abaqus modeling concepts and language. " "Turbo-Turtle makes a best effort to maintain common behaviors and features across each third-party " "software's modeling concepts." ) main_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description=main_description, prog=_settings._project_name_short, ) main_parser.add_argument( "-V", "--version", action="version", version=f"{_settings._project_name_short} {__version__}", ) subparsers = main_parser.add_subparsers( title="subcommands", metavar="{subcommand}", dest="subcommand", ) subparsers.add_parser( "docs", help=f"Open the {_settings._project_name_short} HTML documentation", # fmt: off description=f"Open the packaged {_settings._project_name_short} HTML documentation in the " "system default web browser", # fmt: on parents=[_docs.get_parser()], ) subparsers.add_parser( "fetch", help=f"Fetch and copy {_settings._project_name} modsim template files and directories", # fmt: off description=f"Fetch and copy {_settings._project_name} modsim template files and directories. If no ``FILE`` " "is specified, all available files will be created. Directories are recursively copied. " "``pathlib.Path`` recursive pattern matching is possible. The source path is truncated to use the " "shortest common file prefix, e.g. requesting two files ``common/source/file.1`` and " "``common/source/file.2`` will create " "``/destination/file.1`` and ``/destination/file.2``, " "respectively.", # fmt: on parents=[_fetch.get_parser()], ) subparsers.add_parser( "print-abaqus-path", help="Print the absolute path to Turbo-Turtle's Abaqus Python compatible package.", # fmt: off description="***NOTE: this is an alpha feature for early adopters and developer testing of possible GUI " "support*** Print the absolute path to Turbo-Turtle's Abaqus Python compatible package. " "If this directory is on your PYTHONPATH, you can directly import Turbo Turtle Abaqus Python " "packages in your own scrips (i.e. import turbo_turtle_abaqus.partition)", # fmt: on parents=[_print_abaqus_path_parser()], ) geometry_parser = parsers.geometry_parser(add_help=False, cubit=True) cylinder_parser = parsers.cylinder_parser(add_help=False, cubit=True) sphere_parser = parsers.sphere_parser(add_help=False, cubit=True) partition_parser = parsers.partition_parser(add_help=False, cubit=True) sets_parser = parsers.sets_parser(add_help=False, cubit=True) mesh_parser = parsers.mesh_parser(add_help=False, cubit=True) image_parser = parsers.image_parser(add_help=False, cubit=True) merge_parser = parsers.merge_parser(add_help=False, cubit=True) export_parser = parsers.export_parser(add_help=False, cubit=True) add_abaqus_and_cubit( [ geometry_parser, cylinder_parser, sphere_parser, partition_parser, sets_parser, mesh_parser, image_parser, merge_parser, export_parser, ] ) subparsers.add_parser( "geometry", help=append_cubit_help(parsers.geometry_cli_help), description=append_cubit_description(parsers.geometry_cli_description), parents=[geometry_parser], ) subparsers.add_parser( "geometry-xyplot", help="Plot the lines-and-splines as parsed by the geometry subcommand.", # fmt: off description="Plot the lines-and-splines as parsed by the geometry subcommand. " "Lines are shown as solid lines with circle markers at the vertices. " "Splines are show as dashed lines with plus sign markers at the vertices. " "If there is more than one part, each part is shown in a unique color.", # fmt: on parents=[geometry_parser, geometry_xyplot._get_parser()], ) subparsers.add_parser( "cylinder", help=append_cubit_help(parsers.cylinder_cli_help), description=append_cubit_description(parsers.cylinder_cli_description), parents=[cylinder_parser], ) subparsers.add_parser( "sphere", help=append_cubit_help(parsers.sphere_cli_help), description=append_cubit_description(parsers.sphere_cli_description), parents=[sphere_parser], ) subparsers.add_parser( "partition", help=append_cubit_help(parsers.partition_cli_help), description=append_cubit_description(parsers.partition_cli_description), parents=[partition_parser], ) subparsers.add_parser( "sets", help=append_cubit_help(parsers.sets_cli_help), description=append_cubit_description(parsers.sets_cli_description), parents=[sets_parser], ) subparsers.add_parser( "mesh", help=append_cubit_help(parsers.mesh_cli_help), description=append_cubit_description(parsers.mesh_cli_description), parents=[mesh_parser], ) merge_parser = subparsers.add_parser( "merge", help=append_cubit_help(parsers.merge_cli_help), description=append_cubit_description(parsers.merge_cli_description), parents=[merge_parser], ) subparsers.add_parser( "export", help=append_cubit_help(parsers.export_cli_help), description=append_cubit_description(parsers.export_cli_description), parents=[export_parser], ) subparsers.add_parser( "image", help=append_cubit_help(parsers.image_cli_help), description=append_cubit_description(parsers.image_cli_description), parents=[image_parser], ) return main_parser
def main() -> None: parser = get_parser() subcommand_list = parser._subparsers._group_actions[0].choices.keys() args = parser.parse_args() try: if args.subcommand not in subcommand_list: parser.print_help() elif args.subcommand == "docs": _docs.main(_settings._installed_docs_index, print_local_path=args.print_local_path) elif args.subcommand == "fetch": root_directory = _settings._tutorials_directory.parent relative_paths = _settings._fetch_subdirectories _fetch.main( args.subcommand, root_directory, relative_paths, args.destination, requested_paths=args.FILE, overwrite=args.overwrite, dry_run=args.dry_run, print_available=args.print_available, ) elif args.subcommand == "print-abaqus-path": _print_abaqus_path_location() elif args.subcommand == "geometry-xyplot": geometry_xyplot._main( args.input_file, args.output_file, part_name=args.part_name, unit_conversion=args.unit_conversion, euclidean_distance=args.euclidean_distance, delimiter=args.delimiter, header_lines=args.header_lines, y_offset=args.y_offset, rtol=args.rtol, atol=args.atol, no_markers=args.no_markers, annotate=args.annotate, scale=args.scale, ) else: _wrappers, command = _utilities.set_wrappers_and_command(args) wrapper_command = getattr(_wrappers, args.subcommand) wrapper_command(args, command) except RuntimeError as err: sys.exit(str(err)) if __name__ == "__main__": main() # pragma: no cover