import typing
import argparse
import numpy
import matplotlib.pyplot
from turbo_turtle._abaqus_python.turbo_turtle_abaqus import parsers
from turbo_turtle._abaqus_python.turbo_turtle_abaqus import vertices
from turbo_turtle._abaqus_python.turbo_turtle_abaqus import _mixed_utilities
_exclude_from_namespace = set(globals().keys())
def _get_parser() -> argparse.ArgumentParser:
"""Return a partial parser for the geometry-xyplot subcommand options appended to the geometry subcommand options
:return: parser
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(add_help=False)
"--no-markers", action="store_true", help="Exclude vertex markers and only plot lines (default: %(default)s)"
help="Annotate the vertex coordinates with their index from the source CSV file (default: %(default)s)",
help="Change the plot aspect ratio to use the same scale for the X and Y axes (default: %(default)s)",
return parser
def geometry_xyplot(
coordinates_list: list,
unit_conversion: float = parsers.geometry_xyplot_defaults["unit_conversion"],
euclidean_distance: float = parsers.geometry_xyplot_defaults["euclidean_distance"],
y_offset: float = parsers.geometry_xyplot_defaults["y_offset"],
rtol: typing.Optional[float] = parsers.geometry_defaults["rtol"],
atol: typing.Optional[float] = parsers.geometry_defaults["atol"],
no_markers: bool = parsers.geometry_xyplot_defaults["no_markers"],
annotate: bool = parsers.geometry_xyplot_defaults["annotate"],
scale: bool = parsers.geometry_xyplot_defaults["scale"],
) -> matplotlib.pyplot.Figure:
"""Return a matplotlib figure with the coordinates plotted consistently with geometry and geometry-xyplot
:param coordinates_list: List of 2D numpy arrays of (X, Y) coordinates
:param unit_conversion: multiplication factor applies to all coordinates
:param euclidean_distance: if the distance between two coordinates is greater than this, draw a straight line.
Distance should be provided in units *after* the unit conversion
:param y_offset: vertical offset along the global Y-axis. Offset should be provided in units *after* the unit
:param rtol: relative tolerance for vertical/horizontal line checks
:param atol: absolute tolerance for vertical/horizontal line checks
:param no_markers: Exclude vertex markers and only plot lines.
:param annotate: Annotate the vertex coordinates with their index from the source CSV file.
:param scale: Change the plot aspect ratio to use the same scale for the X and Y axes.
:returns: matplotlib figure
if no_markers:
line_kwargs = {}
spline_kwargs = {}
line_kwargs = {"marker": "o"}
spline_kwargs = {"marker": "+"}
figure = matplotlib.pyplot.figure()
if len(coordinates_list) > 1:
colors =, 1, len(coordinates_list)))
colors = ["black"]
for coordinates, color in zip(coordinates_list, colors):
coordinates = vertices.scale_and_offset_coordinates(coordinates, unit_conversion, y_offset)
lines, splines = vertices.lines_and_splines(coordinates, euclidean_distance, rtol=rtol, atol=atol)
for line in lines:
array = numpy.array(line)
matplotlib.pyplot.plot(array[:, 0], array[:, 1], color=color, markerfacecolor="none", **line_kwargs)
for spline in splines:
array = numpy.array(spline)
matplotlib.pyplot.plot(array[:, 0], array[:, 1], color=color, linestyle="dashed", **spline_kwargs)
if annotate:
for index, coordinate in enumerate(coordinates):
matplotlib.pyplot.annotate(str(index), coordinate, color=color)
if scale:
figure.axes[0].set_aspect("equal", adjustable="box")
return figure
def _main(
input_file: list,
output_file: str,
part_name: typing.List[typing.Union[str, None]] = parsers.geometry_xyplot_defaults["part_name"],
unit_conversion: float = parsers.geometry_xyplot_defaults["unit_conversion"],
euclidean_distance: float = parsers.geometry_xyplot_defaults["euclidean_distance"],
delimiter: str = parsers.geometry_xyplot_defaults["delimiter"],
header_lines: int = parsers.geometry_xyplot_defaults["header_lines"],
y_offset: float = parsers.geometry_xyplot_defaults["y_offset"],
rtol: typing.Optional[float] = parsers.geometry_defaults["rtol"],
atol: typing.Optional[float] = parsers.geometry_defaults["atol"],
no_markers: bool = parsers.geometry_xyplot_defaults["no_markers"],
annotate: bool = parsers.geometry_xyplot_defaults["annotate"],
scale: bool = parsers.geometry_xyplot_defaults["scale"],
) -> None:
"""Plotter for :meth:`turbo_turtle._abaqus_python.turbo_turtle_abaqus.vertices.lines_and_splines` division of
coordinates into lines and splines.
See the :meth:`turbo_turtle._abaqus_python.turbo_turtle_abaqus.parsers.geometry_parser`,
:meth:`turbo_turtle._abaqus_python.turbo_turtle_abaqus.geometry.main`, or
:meth:`turbo_turtle._cubit_python.geometry` interfaces for a description of the input arguments.
:param input_file: input text file(s) with coordinates to draw
:param output_file: Abaqus CAE database to save the part(s)
:param part_name: name(s) of the part(s) being created
:param unit_conversion: multiplication factor applies to all coordinates
:param euclidean_distance: if the distance between two coordinates is greater than this, draw a straight line.
Distance should be provided in units *after* the unit conversion
:param delimiter: character to use as a delimiter when reading the input file
:param header_lines: number of lines in the header to skip when reading the input file
:param y_offset: vertical offset along the global Y-axis. Offset should be provided in units *after* the unit
:param rtol: relative tolerance for vertical/horizontal line checks
:param atol: absolute tolerance for vertical/horizontal line checks
:param no_markers: Exclude vertex markers and only plot lines.
:param annotate: Annotate the vertex coordinates with their index from the source CSV file.
:param scale: Change the plot aspect ratio to use the same scale for the X and Y axes.
:returns: writes ``{output_file}`` matplotlib image
part_name = _mixed_utilities.validate_part_name_or_exit(input_file, part_name)
coordinates_list = [
file_name, delimiter, header_lines, expected_dimensions=2, expected_columns=2
for file_name in input_file
figure = geometry_xyplot(
_module_objects = set(globals().keys()) - _exclude_from_namespace
__all__ = [name for name in _module_objects if not name.startswith("_")]